Finance Calculator

I helped to design a tool to help simplify and streamline the finance calculation process for Siemens employees.




UI Designer


October 2018


Siemens used a legacy system to propose financial deals. Due to design and UX flaws, UK employees were not using the system  meaning SFS UK sales were behind SFS Europe by over 70%.

The existing system was clunky, hard-to-use and in need of an overhaul in order to encourage use.


I worked with a UX designer, and together we interviewed existing users about the current system which then help us to develop wireframes for a cleaner and more usable MVP.

We identified features that were superfluous and we worked on a stripped down user flow.

Accordion VS Breadcrumbs

We explored two navigation routes - accordion and breadcrumbs.The accordion’s keeps the finance information always visible to the user, but it didn’t test well - users found it confusing and found the movement a little jarring.

All users preferred the simplicity of the breadcrumb variant, a route that also allowed us to inject some more visual elements. The trade-off is not being able to see previous steps, but users had no trouble or saw no problem with tapping the relevant breadcrumb to amend the details.